Curiositas researchers in “Encontros no ANIM”

Curiositas researchers in “Encontros no ANIM”

On 23 May, researchers Ana David Mendes, Susana Dias and Victor Flores will take part in ‘Encontros no ANIM’, presenting the results of their research projects on the Cinemateca’s collections of stereoscopic views by Carlos Relvas and cosmoramas.

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Vagas de emprego – CURIOSITAS

Vagas de emprego – CURIOSITAS

O projeto está à procura de um Designer de Modelação e Animação 3D e de um Programador com formação em Design de ambientes virtuais, a adicionar à equipa.

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 Chamada de Trabalhos ARTECH 2023

 Chamada de Trabalhos ARTECH 2023

O CIAC – Centro de Investigação em Artes e Comunicação uniu-se à Artech International Association e será o anfitrião da ARTECH 2023 - 11th International Conference on Digital and Interactive Arts. O evento terá lugar na Universidade do Algarve, nos dias 28, 29 e 30 de...

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Mission to Salzburg Museum

Mission to Salzburg Museum

Last December, some team members from the Curiositas project visited the Panorama Museum in Salzburg and had the unique opportunity to see all the 136 Cosmoramas by Hubert Sattler and Johann Michael Sattler stored at the archive of the Salzburg Museum.

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Curiositas scholarships

Curiositas scholarships

Curiositas has recently welcomed two new fellows. The first two PhD scholarships of Curiositas were awarded to Ana David Mendes and to Celia Cuenca.

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Studying the Salzburg Cosmoramas

Studying the Salzburg Cosmoramas

In December, some researchers from our team will travel to Salzburg to visit the Panorama Museum and see the Cosmoramas by Johann Michael Sattler (1786-1847) and Hubert Sattler (1817-1904).

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