International Journal on Stereo & Immersive Media – Vol.9 Call for Papers
IJSIM Call for Papers Vol. 9 No.2 — 2025 The International Journal on Stereo & Immersive Media (IJSIM) is an open-access and peer-reviewed journal that reflects on immersive media cultures developed by historical media and/ or state-of-the-art technologies. IJSIM...
International Journal on Stereo & Immersive Media – Vol.9 Call for Papers
IJSIM Call for Papers Vol. 9 No.2 — 2025 The International Journal on Stereo & Immersive Media (IJSIM) is an open-access and peer-reviewed journal that reflects on immersive media cultures developed by historical media and/ or state-of-the-art technologies. IJSIM...
Extended call for papers — The 34th International Panorama Council Conference in Lisbon
Call for Proposals The World at a Glance — Panoramic and Peep Technologies...
Upcoming Exhibition: ‘O Cosmorama. As Viagens Escondidas do Século XIX’
Curiositas is preparing an exhibition as a result of the project’s research.
Collaboration with FRESS
Early Visual Media Lab and Curiositas has collaborated with FRESS.
Extended deadline for: IJSIM Call for Papers Vol. 8 2024
IJSIM is a Scopus-indexed journal edited since 2017 that explores the immersive features of modern media, ranging from Panoramas and Stereoscopic Photography to Extended Reality Media.
Curiositas researchers in “Encontros no ANIM”
On 23 May, researchers Ana David Mendes, Susana Dias and Victor Flores will take part in ‘Encontros no ANIM’, presenting the results of their research projects on the Cinemateca’s collections of stereoscopic views by Carlos Relvas and cosmoramas.
Vagas de emprego – CURIOSITAS
O projeto está à procura de um Designer de Modelação e Animação 3D e de um Programador com formação em Design de ambientes virtuais, a adicionar à equipa.
Curiositas has a new fellow researcher
Curiositas is pleased to announce the addition of Sara Beirão Antunes to our research project team.
Curiositas researchers in the conference ‘Arts and Humanities in Digital Transition’
Curiositas researchers Ana David Mendes (CICANT – U. Lusófona) e Susana S. Martins (IHA - FCSH / IN2PAST, Universidade NOVA) recently spoke at the International Conference 'Arts and Humanities in Digital Transition', held in CCB, Lisbon on July 6-7. They presented the...
CURIOSITAS in RE:SOURCE – International Conference on the Histories of Media Art, Science and Technology
The FCT research project Curiositas will have a panel at the RE:SOURCE – 10th International Conference on the Histories of Media Art, Science and Technology that will take place in Venice from 13 to 16 September. This panel — “The Cosmorama: Retrieval and Curation of...
Call for International Journal on Stereo & Immersive Media 2023
The International Journal on Stereo & Immersive Media (IJSIM) is an open-access and peer-reviewed journal that reflects on immersive media cultures developed by historical media and/ or state-of-the-art technologies. IJSIM is a Scopus-indexed journal edited since...
Chamada de Trabalhos ARTECH 2023
O CIAC – Centro de Investigação em Artes e Comunicação uniu-se à Artech International Association e será o anfitrião da ARTECH 2023 - 11th International Conference on Digital and Interactive Arts. O evento terá lugar na Universidade do Algarve, nos dias 28, 29 e 30 de...
The new issue of Aniki – Portuguese Magazine of the Moving Image is now online
“Immersion and Expanded Spectatorships” is the title of the thematic dossier just published in the new issue of Aniki – Portuguese Magazine of the Moving Image.
The Early Visual Media Lab (CICANT) has a new website
Learn more about the research projects, the events organized, the publications, the latest news, and its multidisciplinary team here.
CICANT and Curiositas has collaborated with the Cinema Museum of Melgaço
The Early Visual Media Lab (CICANT) of Lusófona University and the research project Curiositas (CICANT; IHA) has collaborated with the Cinema Museum of Melgaço — Jean-Loup Passek for the digitization and study of its collection of optical views.
Mission to Salzburg Museum
Last December, some team members from the Curiositas project visited the Panorama Museum in Salzburg and had the unique opportunity to see all the 136 Cosmoramas by Hubert Sattler and Johann Michael Sattler stored at the archive of the Salzburg Museum.
New Stipend call for Researchers to Visit the Museum in 2023
The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum has just announced it is starting up its visiting researchers scheme offering monies for short fellowships.
Curiositas scholarships
Curiositas has recently welcomed two new fellows. The first two PhD scholarships of Curiositas were awarded to Ana David Mendes and to Celia Cuenca.
Studying the Salzburg Cosmoramas
In December, some researchers from our team will travel to Salzburg to visit the Panorama Museum and see the Cosmoramas by Johann Michael Sattler (1786-1847) and Hubert Sattler (1817-1904).
Curiositas organises Workshop on Artistic Research in Optical Media
Last October, Curiositas co-organised with the PhD in Media Art and Communication of Lusofona University a four-days workshop dedicated to Artistic Research in Optical Media.
Curiositas researchers take part in the International Seminar on the Origins of Cinema
Four members of the Curiositas research project participated as speakers in the 13th International Seminar on the Background and Origins of Cinema, held in Girona, on 20th-22nd October 2021.
Curiositas researchers with published chapters in international book
Four members of the Curiositas research project participated as speakers in the 13th International Seminar on the Background and Origins of Cinema, held in Girona, on 20th-22nd October 2021.
Research and Documentation Mission to the Cinemateca Portuguesa – Museu do Cinema
In May 2022, project members Victor Flores, Susana Martins and Ana David carried out a research visit to Cinemateca Portuguesa – Museu do Cinema (partner institution of the CURIOSITAS Project).
Mission to the Melgaço Cinema Museum – Jean-Loup Passek
Curiositas research team members gathered on 3-5 June 2021 for a Research Mission to the Melgaço Cinema Museum – Jean-Loup Passek.